Ivana Young Man

Ivana Young Man is a reality television program hosted by Ivana Trump, who aids a divorced 40-year-old woman, Kathy Dahl, in finding a younger man.

Dahl is a wealthy divorced mother from Minnesota. Trump chooses six men, ages 22 to 32, for Dahl to choose among. Trump also offers her advice to Dahl. The men perform several intellectual and physical challenges over the course of several days. At the end of each day, after a challenge, one of the men is chosen by Dahl to join her in a hotel room so they can spend time together. The men are gradually eliminated from the competition by Trump, who tells them, "You're not desired."

Trump's younger boyfriend, 32-year-old Italian dancer and model Rossano Rubicondi, appears as one of the six men. For the program, he was given the name of Paulo, to keep his identity secretive from the other men. Dahl was made aware of Rubicondi's true identity, and he served as an informant to her regarding the other men.


Ivana Young Man was announced in September 2004. Stone devised the idea for the program while going up a ski slope, saying "It was in the zeitgeist, with Demi and Ashton, and Madonna and Guy Ritchie. And I have a lot of female friends always looking for me to help find men for them, but the men their own age are (sometimes) intimidated by their success." Stone then discussed the program with Trump, who enjoyed the idea of hosting it. Stone said, "The reason we went to Ivana for this show is she is the prototype for this type of relationship." Stone also said, "We really matched the guys up with Kathy's interests. We wanted to give her the gamut. We have kind of the all-American hunky quarterback-looking guy. We got the quirky, funny, great-sense-of-humor guy and we got the hot European sexy guy." Thousands of men auditioned to be on the program.

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Feature 3

The following is placeholder text known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer tempus, elit in laoreet posuere, lectus neque blandit dui, et placerat urna diam mattis orci. Mauris id fermentum nulla.